Room for the Inner Way...
Healing Arts & Contemplative Practices:
Awakening Us to the Mystic Realms
Lori has a lifelong dedication to arts, particularly visual arts and how various forms of creative expression can serve to inspire, heal, and empower women. She combines her artistic pursuits with her background as a social worker (for over 25 years), a Nationally Certified Reflexologist, and an Inner Fitness coach. Lori discovered her passion for the Frame Drum and began to explore its history and contemporary applications. Sharing the Frame Drum as a transformative tool for women today has become one of her main focuses. All of her work centers on creating sacred space, promoting mental and physical relaxation, tapping into inner wisdom, and supporting women in leading healthy and fulfilling lives. Additionally, Lori has completed training as a HealthRhythms facilitator with REMO drums under the guidance of Christine Stevens, a Music Therapist and REMO instructor.
Lori Sweet
Owner of Lori Sweet Studios