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Room for the Inner Way...
Healing Arts & Contemplative Practices:
Awakening Us to the Mystic Realms
These images are from classes I have conducted for organizations, groups, schools, and individuals over the years. My art classes often are about using art for healing, personal growth, spiritual practice, relaxation, or community awareness. Process and self reflection take priority over techniques and outcomes and yet the student works always are very beautiful, rich, meaningful, and moving. I have seen amazing transformations in the art room that heal body, mind, and spirit.
Hover OR Click on Images to Enlarge and get more information.

Art as Prayer

Intuitive Painting Class

Intuitive Painting Class

Partnership Mandalas (Staff Retreat)

Visual Breathing 2

Visual Breathing Mandala Center

Body Mapping

Body Mapping 2

Mandalas at Chautauqua

Group Mandala/Pastels

Visual Journaling Class

Upclose and Personal Class

Job Corp - Relationship Paintings

Healing Hands Collages

healing art class

Group Mandalas in Taiwan

Teacher Training/Adinkra Prints

Teacher Training WNY
We created African Adinkra Cloths - a print making project

Class in Taiwan

Shared Mandala Class

Sand Painting

Sand painting class 1


Visual Breathing Class

Audubon Summer Camp

After School Art Class

Chautuaqua Institution Class

OMH Class -Tree Stories

Pointillism - Teaching Artist Day

Teaching Artist Day
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